What is DEEEP?

What is DEEEP?

DEEEP is an evidence-based concept used as an in-depth evaluative root cause analysis tool to explore the issues, impacts, and implications of corporate and administrative health care services and outcomes.

This method reflects shared insight, hindsight, and foresight into the historical and current fragmented healthcare system structures. The structures consist of organizational leadership, management, reimbursement, finances, delivery, and distribution of services to analyze internal decision-making processes, built-in practices, principles, policies, health programs, strategic objective plans, benefits, and other anticipated consequences.

Based on this model, CCHCCS (C-Checks) offers multiple focused perspectives around discovering embedded minority issues. This viewpoint will improve or eliminate the poor quality of care services resulting in improved practices and programmatic outputs yielding tangible benefits.

This deep thinking mirrors decision-making processes around staffing, culturally appropriate behavioral services, and unbiased intentional thoughts. These considerations will better provide, promote, and achieve focused quality of care services, such as administrative daily operational activities, involving front and back-office clinical procedures.